The materials below are all products of Writing Data Stories, a collaboration between the University of California Berkeley, North Carolina State University, and the Concord Consortium funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF IIS-1900606).
“DataBytes” are quick activities (30 minutes or less) that invite students to connect data to their lived experiences and the larger world.
Includes teacher prompts and data visualizations about everyday scientific issues from common news sources.
Click on the image or follow this link to access DataBytes PDFs, slides, and interactive files.

Data Launchpads
Writing Data Stories Data Launchpads are highly interactive documents designed for teachers and students to engage with large datasets.
They offer an accessible, scaffolded intro larger datasets within the CODAP data analysis platform.
Click on the image below or follow this link for curriculum.

Exploration Units
Students can explore topics more deeply in these Writing Data Stories full, 2-4 week long exploration units designed to build critical data literacy skills.
Click here or on the image below for more info, and a video tour of the curriculum!

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. (IIS-1900606). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.