Tag: Jake

  • CoRE Lab at AERA 2024

    We will be presenting several strands of work at the upcoming 2024 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Conference in Philadelphia. This year, much of our work has focused on teachers’ and teacher educators’ perception and uptake of more socially-aware approaches data literacy education. We have also continued to develop our line of research […]


  • New Climate Action Grant

    Helen Fitzmaurice, with a number of partners including former CoRE Lab postdoctoral researcher Emily Reigh (now at UCSC), former BSE grad Alyssa Sayavedra (CSU Monterey Bay), and graduate student Jake Barton, will be awarded $1.4M to study and support California teachers and community partners in implementing justice-centered climate change pedagogy in K-12 classrooms. The project […]


  • CUNY/CITE Summer Camp

    We will be running a teacher educator Summer Camp as part of the City University of New York’s Computing Integrated Teacher Education program! Our summer camp is called “Writing Data Stories: Connecting Student Experience and Data,” and will be introducing the frameworks and materials we’ve developed as part of the Writing Data Stories project in […]


  • Jacob Barton

    After leading outdoor education trips in Colorado and Alaska, Jake started as a HS science teacher, soccer coach, and director of sustainability. He is currently a Doctoral student at Berkeley.


  • CoRE Kicks off BSE Faculty Conversation Series

    Members of the CoRE Lab kicked off the Berkeley School of Education’s Faculty Conversations series with a panel discussion entitled Visioning New STEM Literacies Together: Reflections on the Process and Purpose of Collaborative Design. Jacob Barton, Dr. Cherise McBride, Dr. Emily Reigh, and Collette Roberto each shared brief overviews of their ongoing research projects with […]


  • ECCL / Oakland Teachers Advancing Climate Action

    The Oakland Teachers Advancing Climate Action (OTACA) collaborative builds on existing collaborations of teachers who are working to make learning local, active, and relevant for students. The OTACA community designs and tries out student-action projects related to environmental justice.

    Funded by: National Science Foundation DGE-2222255
