Tag: WDS

  • Exploring Children’s Geographies

    Reigh, E., Escudé, M., Bakal, M., Rivero, E., Wei, X., Roberto, C., Hernandez, D., Yada, A., Gutierrez, K. G., & Wilkerson, M. H. (2022). Mapping racespace: Data stories as a tool for environmental and spatial justice. In BSOPS #48: “Learning Within Socio-Political Landscapes: (Re)imagining Children’s Geographies”, 79-95. doi: https://doi.org/10.58295/2375-3668.1452


  • NASEM Workshop on K-12 Data Science

    Michelle was a Co-Chair, with Dr. Nick Horton of Amherst College, of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine’s Workshop on the Foundations of K-12 Data Science held in Washington, D. C. and online Sept 13-14. The convening sought to share the state of the art from research and practice in Data Science Education. […]


  • Humanistic Stance in K-12 Data Science Ed

    Lee, V., Wilkerson, M. H., & Lanouette, K. (2021). A call for a humanistic stance toward K-12 data science education. Educational Researcher, 50(9), 664-672. doi: 10.3102/0013189X211048810


  • DataBytes in Bite-Sized Lesson Plan Competition

    Our DataByte What is Healthy: Making Sense of Graphs and Data Reported in Media received an Honorable Mention in the Data Science 4 Everyone’s first annual Lesson Plan Competition! The What is Healthy? unit builds on our DataBytes discussion structure, which asks students to interpret graphs and data from media sources using not only in […]
